The Soul Amplified Podcast

Summer Solstice Messages--You Have a Gift Coming!

Vanessa Grace Season 1 Episode 217

Today I am channeling messages from my Spirit Guides and the Universe. 

We have just gone through another energetic global upgrade.  This means old feels and thoughts might be moving through us.  I give specific instructions on how to do this, so be sure to tune in!

After we process the feels, there will be the oportunity for each of us to receive a gift.  We must be open to it, and want it on some level.  We don't even need to be in perfect alignment with it for it to come our way.  I also talk more in-depth about this.

You accepting and enjoying this gift helps humanity.  When your individual vibration raises, the collective global vibration also increases.  Many people will be increasing their vibration soon, and this will help everyone on Earth.  You could be part of this, simply by processing feels/thoughts (I say simply, but  based on my day I know it is effing tough!) and being open to accepting a big gift.

Again, this gift my not be monetary or physical.  It could be a deep emotional healing, or accepting yourself on a deep level.  Everyone's gift is different. 

Be sure to tune in to check out all the things I channelled today!  Amazing!

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