The Soul Amplified Podcast
Soul Amplified is where you discover your soul and what has been holding you back from all your light. We explore the divine feminine, cyclical living, co-dependency, self improvement, and spirituality. Sometimes we toss in how all that impacts and mixes with business, reaching your goals, and your relationship with money. Your host, Vanessa Grace, is a life coach, a soul searcher, life long learner, reiki practitioner, tarot card reading, book loving, feminist and general bad ass. We like to have fun around here, learn a lot around here, and dig deep so we can grow big.
The Soul Amplified Podcast
Managing Christmas When You Want to Scream
Sometimes Christmas and Obligation seem to go in the same sentence. I say it doesn’t—and shouldn’t—have to feel this way! Obligations, the blur of planning or shopping, and just trying to do all the traditions leave people ragged for a month or two after Christmas. Not to mention their finances struggling to recover while trying to pull off more than their budget allows.
People pleasing, enabling or being a door mat (you know, all that codependency stuff) certainly contributes to this. Today I talk about 4 things you can do to rein it in, evaluate what is important and put yourself back on the to-do list.
1—Evaluate your actual energy level
2—Inventory of what you do
3—Who are you doing this for? Why?
4—How do you want to feel at Christmas? Is your current plan supporting that?
If you’re ready to change your codependent patterns:
- Feeling anxious and wondering what others are thinking of you
- Constantly thinking about the needs of others (or maybe one person in particular…)
- Neglecting yourself
- Thinking negative thoughts about you
- Being confused if you are helping too much or too little
- And more
I’ve got the program to help you kick codependency to the curb this year! The People Pleaser Recovery Roadmap, my group coaching program, will kick off in 2021! We’re going to have a great group of supportive ladies, and I’m sure you want to be a part of it!
What you get:
- Access to me, a person who has healed her own codependency and can guide you through it + my professional training in mental health and psychology
- 10 Modules of training videos of me teaching you how to think differently and heal yourself from the inside out
- Curated worksheets and action steps to deepen and support the learning in each Module
- A private facebook group just to have support and love with the other amazing ladies in the program
- 3 group coaching calls a month to ask alllll your questions, and get support from me
- All of this for 12 whole months!
If you want to start changing yourself from the inside out this year, DM me on Instagram @soulamplified or email me vanessa@soulamplifed.org to learn more. I’ll answer all your questions!
Contact Me or Consume My Stuff Here:
The Codependent’s Holiday Planner
follow #codaholidayplanner
Masterclass: 5 Deep Truths about Codependency: How It’s Hijacking Your Life and What You Can Do About It
Intuition Quiz: www.EnlightenedBossLady.com (Update Feb 2022--The Quiz is no longer available--bummer!)
Free Webinar: www.soulamplifed.org on overcoming people pleasing and codependency with business (Update Feb 2022--The webinar is no longer available-uh-oh!)
Website: SoulAmplified.org
Instagram: @SoulAmplified
e-mail me about coaching, The People Pleaser Recovery Roadmap Course, or other questions: Vanessa@soulamplified.org