The Soul Amplified Podcast
Soul Amplified is where you discover your soul and what has been holding you back from all your light. We explore the divine feminine, cyclical living, co-dependency, self improvement, and spirituality. Sometimes we toss in how all that impacts and mixes with business, reaching your goals, and your relationship with money. Your host, Vanessa Grace, is a life coach, a soul searcher, life long learner, reiki practitioner, tarot card reading, book loving, feminist and general bad ass. We like to have fun around here, learn a lot around here, and dig deep so we can grow big.
The Soul Amplified Podcast
Codependency, Emotional Eating and EFT with Ruthi Cohen Joyner
Codependency is a stressful business to be in! Which means it's really easy to slide into emotional eating to handle that stress. Today I chat with my new friend, Ruthi. She helps women step more fully into their personal power, passion and purpose using EFT, meditation, nutritional know-how and so much more! Understanding the emotions behind the eating is powerful, and Ruthi has you covered with insights and modalities to help you heal it.
Here's all the places you can work with Ruthi Cohen Joyner
Transformation 8.0: Advanced Healing for Emotional Eating: https://yourtappingjourney.com/advanced-healing-for-emotional-eaters/
starts June and goes through August 2021website: www.yourtappingjourney.com
Free Gift of '5 Days to Self Love': https://app.getresponse.com/site2/5_days_self_love?u=htZ2y&webforms_id=ATnV
email: ruthitoo@gmail.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/ruthitaps
Facebook Group: A Journey to Self Love
Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/meditation-courses/course_tips-tools-and-
Contact Me or Consume My Stuff Here:
A new way to Work with Vanessa!
Codependency Breakthorugh Power Hour is here to help you see how you can make changes in your life right now. If you’ve been feeling stuck, this hour with me will open your eyes. I’m using both my psychological know-how AND my intuition to bring you transformation. Before the Power Hour, I’ll also be connecting with your Soul and hearing what she’s got to say about our time together. This $300 investment will have reverberations you will keep experiencing. Here is the link directly to my schedule to get yourself set up!
Masterclass: 5 Deep Truths about Codependency: How It’s Hijacking Your Life and What You Can Do About It
Website: www.SoulAmplified.org
Intuition Quiz: www.EnlightenedBossLady.com (update Dec 2021--The quiz is no longer available)
Instagram: @SoulAmplified
e-mail me about coaching, The People Pleaser Recovery Roadmap Course, or other questions: Vanessa@soulamplified.org