The Soul Amplified Podcast
Soul Amplified is where you discover your soul and what has been holding you back from all your light. We explore the divine feminine, cyclical living, co-dependency, self improvement, and spirituality. Sometimes we toss in how all that impacts and mixes with business, reaching your goals, and your relationship with money. Your host, Vanessa Grace, is a life coach, a soul searcher, life long learner, reiki practitioner, tarot card reading, book loving, feminist and general bad ass. We like to have fun around here, learn a lot around here, and dig deep so we can grow big.
The Soul Amplified Podcast
Underhelping Others to Help Yourself into Happiness
Discover how asking, "Whose responsibility is this, anyway?" can give you happiness. When we over help, it leads to burnout and resentment. Vanessa talks you through how figuring out your role in any given situation allows the other person to take control of their life, and gives you more space and happiness in yours. Dive in and find out the freedom of only taking care of what you are responsible for!