The Soul Amplified Podcast
Soul Amplified is where you discover your soul and what has been holding you back from all your light. We explore the divine feminine, cyclical living, co-dependency, self improvement, and spirituality. Sometimes we toss in how all that impacts and mixes with business, reaching your goals, and your relationship with money. Your host, Vanessa Grace, is a life coach, a soul searcher, life long learner, reiki practitioner, tarot card reading, book loving, feminist and general bad ass. We like to have fun around here, learn a lot around here, and dig deep so we can grow big.
The Soul Amplified Podcast
Mixing Nurturance, Community and the Feminine: with Sophie Wegecsanyi
When my friend Sophie first mentioned that the USA has a different reaction to the feminine, and how the feminine wants to live, than other parts of the world, I was intrigued (and not surprised). You see, Sophie is Australian and has lived in several countries. So I deeply wanted to hear her thoughts on this.
With all the feminine energy that is coming at Mother Earth right now, the USA is going to have to respond to that in some way, and be able to incorporate it.
This conversation did not disappoint! We talked about what she noticed that was different about the divine feminine (and it's presence in our culture) as soon as she moved to the USA, as well as what she did to fill that feminine void she was experiencing. Hint: her action is in the title of this episode!
Sophie Wegecsanyi: Projects and Such
Wattle Tree Place is the cafe she co-owned with her sister, but it still exists without a physical space as they collaborate and offer services through other shops and organizations.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wattletreeplace/
The Jane Webber Arboretum
"It's an outdoor educational garden and play area for the community to learn to grow, harvest, and produce from the food that is grown from the earth. Right now we are raising funds. We are getting our fundraising formula together. The Arboretum is on Evergreen Hwy in Vancouver, WA off exit 4. It’s on the corner of Image Road and Evergreen Highway. It is open to the public. Please go down and have a look if you are interested. In the coming months we’ll have more to say about how we’re raising funds, what events are going to be happening and what is the plan for creating this educational garden to provide free education to the community.”
Links for fundraising will be added here once Vanessa has them.
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July theme is How our Divine Feminine is Ravaged, there are videos, printables and a group call all on this topic!
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The Text Message service is glitching right now, and I have to fix it so I can restart it. I know it has been silent for months. I promise I'm working on it!
Website: Soulamplified.org
Instagram: @SoulAmplified
e-mail: Vanessa@soulamplified.org