The Soul Amplified Podcast

Tracking Your Menstrual Cycle is Bloody Amazing

Vanessa Grace Season 2 Episode 269
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00:00 | 57:19

Why should you track your period?   All sorts of reasons!
Namely, no one should be surprised it's coming, and Secondly, There is so much useful information you find out about how you operate as a person with a uterus!

Today I go into the types of things you can track, using paper or an app.

I break things down into sections that you can track:

This is just what I could think of--are there things you like to track with your menstrual cycle I didn't talk about today?  Drop me a message and let me know!

I mentioned a book today:
Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler, MHP
It talks about the Fertility Awareness Method, which you can learn from this book, by taking classes or learning from a coach who teaches it.  If you are going to use this method for getting pregnant or avoiding pregnancy, you need to fully learn the method.  Listening to my podcast episodes will not be enough to learn it properly.  I am not certified to teach this method, although I use it's principles for myself. 

Research Article I mentioned:
Missed period? The significance of period-tracking applications in a post-Roe America

Please be aware when using period tracking app's if your app shares your personal information, on any level, with law enforcement or 3rd parties.  This is especially important in USA states where abortion is now illegal.  Remember that "Not only does this cause alarm for users who choose to have an abortion, but miscarriages, irregularities in menstrual cycles, and/or imperfect engagement with a period-tracking app have the potential to be mischaracterised as abortions." (Quote from above article.)

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