The Soul Amplified Podcast
Soul Amplified is where you discover your soul and what has been holding you back from all your light. We explore the divine feminine, cyclical living, co-dependency, self improvement, and spirituality. Sometimes we toss in how all that impacts and mixes with business, reaching your goals, and your relationship with money. Your host, Vanessa Grace, is a life coach, a soul searcher, life long learner, reiki practitioner, tarot card reading, book loving, feminist and general bad ass. We like to have fun around here, learn a lot around here, and dig deep so we can grow big.
The Soul Amplified Podcast
But What about Divine Feminine?
Contact me or Join my Stuff Here:
Join the Waitlist for Radiance Recipe
Click here to join waitlist
This is my 3 month program, starting in early April, on learning how to communicate with your womb, hear her wisdom and live in sync with the 4 hormonal phases your body goes through each month as a person who menstruates. We'll also be learning how to track your cycle on paper rather than in an app, as people move away from using apps.
Soul Circle Alliance
Coming February, this is an on-line community where you'll be learning from specialist healers on all sorts of amazing and fulfilling topics! Look for links to sign up soon.
Energy Healing
Access my generic energy healing services here
$200 USD for a 60 min zoom session
Book-Soul Rising
Yes, I've written a chapter of a book, which will be part of a group of messages from women who have experiences Spiritual Awakenings. The target release date for the book is March. To get the most up-to-date info, join my email list here.
Join my email list--just click here!
I share insights here not seen anywhere else, as well as coupon codes, early access and bonus' for early sign up! If you want all the cool things, this is the place to be! Email comes out every Monday morning.
The Text Message service is glitching right now, and I have to fix it so I can restart it. I know it has been silent for months. I promise I'm working on it!
Website: Soulamplified.org
Instagram: @SoulAmplified
e-mail: Vanessa@soulamplified.org